Join the Wellbeing Library

Unleash the potential within you by delving into Mai's vast library of resources. Discover a wealth of guidance for nurturing your well-being, cultivating enriching relationships, and honing your communication skills.
Every single offering is filled with inspiration and serves as a gentle reminder to embark on a journey of self-exploration. Grab what resonates with you, enabling you to forge deeper connections, truly own your experiences, and embody the love, ease, and wisdom that naturally reside within your being.
Remember, it is you and only you who can awaken the radiant light that dwells within.

In the Well-Living Library, Mai has personally curated inspiration and information for you to cultivate true well-being for yourself, and it’s all free for you: playlists, recommended books, insightful podcasts, daily nurture rituals suggestions, and carefully selected tools and resources.

+ Amazing holistic healers, and wonderful humans, whom we highly recommend you know about if you’re looking to nurture yourself better and want to live life feeling more alive, peaceful, fulfilled and loved.

What’s Included

Body Love, Lifestyle & Women’s Wellbeing

In this library, you’ll dive into the resources that will help you re-establish trust between your mind and the body, and learn how to listen inwards to the needs of your inner being.

Dating & Romantic Relationships

Dive into your relationship to love & your patterns around relationships (those you have with yourself, romantic relationships, friendships, and more). The resources in this library will assist you in diving into feminine & masculine energy, conscious communication & trauma healing.

Sisterhood, Female Connection & Purpose

True female empowerment begins here. With women who have nourishing relationships in their life to dive into so that they can re-charge and have the energy to show up and be their most radiant selves in the world 🤍 This library will help guide you towards bringing in more sisterhood into your lives, nourish the female relationships around you and help find/grow your purpose.

“You are your own lighthouse. I’m just here to inspire and cheer you on, by sharing the things I’ve learned so far.”

Welcome in Love,

Join now for access to Mai’s vetted list of sacred healers, love ᛫ light ᛫ wisdom teachings, books to expand your imagination, podcasts to fuel your mind/heart/creativity, music to bring in joy/peace/bliss, natural beauty treatments for nourishment, and movement as medicine practices.