“I’m here to love on the planet.

I believe we’re ready for a world where women collaborate and cheer each other on rather than compete and hold one another down. I believe in fierce compassion – for ourselves and others. And that this is the way towards a better and happier world. I believe women rising as a collective is a road to transforming our entire world; to becoming better women, mothers, and daughters, and to being the catalyst for men to step up and meet us there. I don’t believe in feminism that fights men or acts out with aggression; in turn, I believe in feminism that acts with power, divine wisdom, and fierce lovingness. I’m convinced that each woman holds infinite amounts of light and love and that unlocking it as individuals allows us to shift the world as a whole.

...I’m hoping you’ll join me.”


“I’m done with the shame, I’m done with the judgments, I’m done with justifications and a shallow life; instead, I report to my own truth and forgotten wisdom of the world. I adore joy and LOVE is my religion. I also like being in a state of bliss or childishness wonder. I’ve gone deep and dark to see my light and I’ve come out as love. You can do the same. This little place of the internet and my life as a whole is devoted to inspiring and helping you shine from within with ease.”

I believe the age discrimination we live with in our societies is crippling: it robs us of sacred wisdom which helps us to evolve as a species, not to mention steals the worthiness of our elders. It also takes away our joy of living out all phases of life and plants a fear of life, covered in a distorted desire to remain and look about 16. Women are meant to be and look like women. And they’re meant to share wisdom and inspiration across all ages (the same goes for men).  

I believe we as humans are born worthy and that we are all half-human, half-divine beings. I also hold on to the fact that we need to honour and love our humanity just as much as we do our divine side. Loving ourselves for the things we do well and are successful at is easy. Feeling the same way about ourselves when we mess up is harder. This is where the work lies. This is where we grow.

I believe the key to our health and highest happiness lies in our willingness and ability to look into our pain and meet our darkness (or ‘inadequacies’) with curiosity, openness, love and compassion, rather than numbing ourselves with more things or experiences to distract us.

I believe in body love and in the wisdom of the body. I find it impossible not to see how our body, heart and mind are connected; how we think is felt emotionally and manifested in our physical being. When we nurture our vessel from the inside and care of ourself on all three levels; this is where we heal and transform our own world. For me it’s also clear that stress is the true cancer of our time and that mindful living rooted in presence is the key to freeing ourselves.

Another thing I believe in is the power of gratitude. It’s clear to me that a huge source of our suffering comes from always looking towards what we don’t have, whilst forgetting what we DO have. Gratitude fosters abundance; lack grows lack. Once we shift this we can have the life our heart truly desires.

I believe in beauty and its transformative powers. Surrounding ourselves with aesthetic beauty matters. So does the music we listen to, the poetry we read, how we appreciate nature and natural cycles, or how we embrace ourselves as a beautiful being, living out a journey. Sometimes it helps if we look at ourselves as a precious flower. Sometimes all we need is compassionate thinking or an evening with our girlfriends. Perspective. Inspiration. Space-holding. Love. Laughter. It’s all beauty.


With love,


There are quite a few mottos Mai lives by…

A few of them are: 

♥ Be unapologetically you. 

♥ Always leave people and places a little better than how you found them. 

♥ Kindness is cool. 

♥ If shit happens: LOVE. Love fiercely and don’t forget that this is the essence of you. You can never run out.

♥ Remember grace. How we carry ourselves and apply our light (especially in pain) is a chance we have to extend awareness and plant seeds for growth. We grow through compassion and light and we show others how it’s done by leading by example. 

♥ Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate. 

These beliefs, thoughts, and mottos are Mai’s anchors. The sessions Mai offers, the programs she creates, the retreats and events she hosts, the healers she promotes, and the projects Mai become part of are all founded on these pillars. They’re the reason why Mai wakes up every morning and they’re the driver behind the vision she has. The vision of women rising together to inspire one another and nurture the world with love and light. 

“I feel myself becoming more stressed, less healthy, and more miserable when I feel I have to go it alone in life. Maybe you do, too? If so, join our community so together we can add more sacredness to our lives. Let’s all take more action that is based on love and let us shine our light by becoming freer. Free of being slaves to our jobs, old structures, and outdated limiting beliefs or thought patterns. Let’s give back to the planet and show up for ourselves and each other, as best and beautifully as we can. Sisterhood is the way of the light and the path of love. I’m cheering for us.”

Love, Mai


If you have questions or would like to enquire about
working with Mai,
contact us.