Welcome Love,

Here you’ll find a selection of Mai’s self-guided video and audio courses, each one focusing on a particular aspects of the 4 pillars Mai teaches: Body Love, Relationships, Healing, and Communication.

Embrace Your Light

Mai’s original self-guided 6-week program offers up tools and wisdom to help guide you back to your own inner wisdom; so that you may embody the love & light that you are.

Fulfilling Relationships

This 5 week video course takes you through masculine & feminine energy, exploring the attraction between them, conscious communication, and more.

Healing Food Traumas

In this 6 week audio course, women who have had a yoyo diet in their lives, can come back into alignment and connection with themselves to heal their food traumas.


Mai’s meditation bundle includes 4 longer guided meditations and one short guided meditation, led by Mai. This offering has a giving-back component - click below for more.

Feeling &

This 6-week audio course covers: body love, honouring self, embracing your feminine essence & energy, conscious communication, and more.

From HeartBreak To Thriving in Love

Mai’s 6-week video course to take women from heartbreak to thriving in love, helps bring you back to a place of abundance and deep love.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about the courses Mai offers, feel free to reach out below, or, if you’re interested in learning more about working with Mai directly, check out Mai’s 1-1 session offerings.