“Mai is just so special all around. I love her energy and she is just so super talented when it comes to sensing what I need – not just in my body, but as an entire being. The way Mai brings you into a mindful state while using the body has you feeling like you’re meditating when really you’re working out! I just love her movement classes, as well as being divinely looked after in my individual sessions.”
                                         — Jueliette

“I found from the first time I met Mai that she has a serene energy about her that is so beautiful. She always has such a strong connection to everyone in the group when she teaches, that is absolutely genuine and seems to come from within. It’s something you can’t learn. I truly believe Mai has a gift that is healing and calming those around her and I cannot tell you how much her weekly mindful movement classes have transformed how I live in my daily life.”
                                              — Jane

“The results were apparent almost immediately after starting to work with Mai. I’ve become aware of the choices I make and how I can successfully turn them around for the better. Ultimately, Mai’s mentoring sessions helped me restore order in my life and resulted in me reaching a long-term goal, which I thought was far out of reach. She helped me connect to my body and my heart and I’ve just become so much happier and more relaxed. Mai is so natural and skilled – I’m sure she brings out the best in all the people she works with, as she did with me.”

— Ann

When I first started working with Mai, my objective was to achieve weight-loss, which I’ve tried but failed to accomplish so many times before. However, what I was to discover was that I needed to venture onto a journey into my own inner universe.
Together with Mai I have really seen into myself; turned the inside out and started over. I’ve learned to tune inwards and listen to myself so that I can take care of ME and I’ve learned to feel into the needs of my body and understand its signals!

The thing about finding peace and calm within turns out to be a whole lot easier when you take time to stop and think about the choices you’re making. And during my work with Mai I have discovered why I tend to fall into bad habits as well as how to break free of them again.

When we started our work together Mai created a rapport, called a body bible, for me based on where I was at, at the time. It included my goals and lots of tailored tools, carefully selected by Mai, to help me reach them. I love re-reading it to reconnect with my path again whenever I lose my footing and lose sight of where I’m headed.
Mai; You’ve helped me shift my mind-set and approach so much ❤️ I LOVE it ❤️ Thanks a million for you!
— Rikke
I was amazed by the extraordinary sensitivity and intuition which Mai brought to our session. Despite meeting on a virtual platform, I experienced an immediate heart connection and a sense of being met where I was. Mai created a welcoming space that allowed my emotions to surface, freeing up joy, vitality, and self-compassion. She also suggested gentle tools of self-care and support that are easy to integrate into my day. In this way, I can continue to rejuvenate and nurture my body, mind, and spirit even as I navigate challenges that have arisen in my life. My session left me with a deep comfort that regardless of what life presents, heartbreak or happiness, I will be carried and supported — by my own inner resources and the guidance of gifted healers like Mai.
— Rebecca
The results were apparent almost immediately after starting to work with Mai. I’ve become aware of the choices I make and how I can successfully turn them around for the better. Ultimately Mai’s coaching sessions helped me restore order in my life and resulted in me reaching a long-term goal, which I thought was far out of reach. She helped me connect to my body and my heart and I’ve just become so much happier and relaxed. Mai is so natural and skilled - I’m sure she brings out the best in all the people she works with - as she did with me.
— Daphne
Mai, Thank you for our call yesterday. Honestly, it was amazingness for me to sit down and feel so seen and heard and understood. Thank you for looking at me with such kind eyes and being so intuitive and non-judgmental, yet with tough love making me see the situation a little differently. You have such a beautiful way with words to describe things so clearly. It helps me take back my power in my powerlessness 💜
— Hannah
Dear Mai, I just want to say thank you for you and for your time in the package of sessions that I spent with you last year. It truly became the start of my learning to love myself and accept and let go of my past. And at the same time, it gave me the invitation I needed to put away some of the responsibility I was putting on myself in my daily life.

Today everything is going so well. There’s a lot more harmony in my work-life balance, more joy and at the same time I’m remembering to do things in my everyday life, which renews my energy and nourishes my well-being. Since working with you I am and have been on a journey of finding and rediscovering myself - and I can now wholeheartedly say that I’m actually pretty happy with myself ❤️

Aside from this, the love I found with the man I met when I was working with you is blossoming. For me, it’s a completely new form of love, that I haven’t had before. It’s almost a grown-up kind 😅

He sees me and our relationship has helped me to be more in my feminine energy, where I can now see - looking in the rearview mirror - that for many years I’ve been operating very much from my masculine energy. Simply because I was stuck in survival mode trying to navigate my surroundings. And now with this man, new people with a genuine interest.,
— Louise, 33, Denmark
Mai is a beautiful soul with endless wisdom to share. Her approach and way of connecting bring instant comfort and ease. I am so grateful for Mai’s guidance, heart-centered nature, and loving support.
— Tanya Lesiuk
I’ve been through a holistic health and longevity programme with Mai, which has changed several things in my life. Some of Mai’s ‘prescriptions’ I changed right away and others I took in gradually little by little when sI was able to make space for them.

My course began with a pleasant conversation where Mai, in a consultation, discovered and examined what I wished to change in my life (weight and health). Based on this interview a thing that came up very clearly here was my very unhealthy habits around my phone.

After the initial interview, we had a movement session. From this, Mai created a training plan to help me balance my body and move better, which was incorporated into the ‘Body bible’ that was given to me. This also included a nutrition/food plan, which has guided me to create much better eating habits for myself.

I actually thought I had a pretty good handle on my diet since I was eating all of the good types of fat such as avocado for instance. However, in Mai’s analyses of my habits, she found that I was getting WAY too much for this ‘healthy fat’ - and too little and too much isn’t good. In my Body Bible there was also a gentle guide to establish better habits around my sleep.

I can really recommend Mai as a present, pleasant and very professionally competent holistic health/lifestyle coach. By using what I learned in my time with Mai I finally lost the 10 kg that was just stuck - and this was one of the goals I had when I booked my course with her.

My awareness of my own thoughts, feelings and actions have been increased and Mai helped me identify and change my unhelpful thoughts and behaviours. I feel like I made an investment into deep, lasting changes in my life.
— Jeannett
Mai, Thank you so much for giving me the gift of your time and expertise. It is absolutely one of the greatest gifts I’ve received this year. I’ll be forever grateful. I thought that I was actually good at saying no and communicating it, but when I booked a Conscious Communication session expecting to get some points on how to word things properly I got that and so much more! We actually uncovered why I had a hard time setting boundaries, and I was amazed we did that in just one session! I’m also so grateful that I got practical ways to cope with my issues that go well with the cognitive behavioural therapy I’m undergoing with my therapist. I have copied all of your post-session notes into my work schedule and will slowly work on them. I’m so excited to finally have the permission and space to heal. 
— Irene Chan

For more information about how to work with Mai, book your free discovery session.