The body remembers and stores all of our past experiences in the nervous system so even after a difficult experience or longer period of stress has ended, the body can still react as if we’re in a state of survival - despite the fact that this is no longer the case.


The survival state the body is often in has many implications, for instance, the unnecessary release of stress hormones, which can lead us to physically hold on to fat and increase inflammation in the body or the instinctual reacting (or not reacting at all) in certain situations, that aren’t benefiting us. 

In an Emotional Wellbeing and Nervous System Repair session, Mai will support you with practices aimed at bringing calm to your nervous system. Through the breath and our physical senses, we help the body release accumulated stress and also receive the signal that it is now safe. In this way, we begin to re-establish the connection between mind and body so that the body can shift out of survival mode into a space where we feel safe within ourselves and begin living from a place of confidence and self-trust.

Balancing and Regulation of Your Nervous System

This 1-1 session via Zoom, helps you to cultivate inner calmness and attain harmony between body and head through the regulation of your nervous system. A single session is comprised of a 10-minute conversation with Mai to establish what you’re working on, followed by a 60-minute session that physically helps to regulate your nervous system.

Mai also offers these sessions as a 4-8 week personal mentoring container: 4 x 60-minute sessions, that physically help regulate your nervous system + together with little assignments between each session to provide you with the tools needed to regulate your own nervous system.

What You’ll Explore

Depending on what your challenge, needs and wants are, Mai will take you through one of the following sessions:

  • Mindfulness session

  • Breathwork session

  • Trauma release session

  • Nerve System re-balancing

These sessions are for anyone who:

  • Wants to feel more at ease and spaciousness in their lives.

  • Is ready to break free from the emotional traumas which affect their behaviour - either consciously or unconsciously.

  • Desires a deeper, more restful sleep.

  • Wants to let go of the control that is holding them back from feeling.

  • Is learning to connect more deeply with her body.

  • Is wanting to feel more empowered to handle a difficult life challenge, i.e. divorce, cancer treatment, loss, etc.

If you desire to feel more joy, have more energy, feel calmer, more peaceful and relaxed in your body, would like to live and feel more trusting of yourself and others, would like to let go of challenging experiences from the past and begin a new, would like to increase your self-awareness, and/or would like to grow more love and appreciation for your body, an emotional wellbeing & nervous system repair session could be your first step towards this all.

Apply Now

If you are interested in working with Mai, schedule an intro call below!


“Dear Mai,

I just want to say thank you for you and for your time in the package of sessions that I spent with you last year. It truly became the start of my learning to love myself and accept and let go of my past. And at the same time, it gave me the invitation I needed to put away some of the responsibility I was putting on myself in my daily life.

Today everything is going so well. There’s a lot more harmony in my work-life balance, more joy and at the same time I’m remembering to do things in my everyday life, which renews my energy and nourishes my well-being. Since working with you I am and have been on a journey of finding and rediscovering myself - and I can now wholeheartedly say that I’m actually pretty happy with myself ❤️

Aside from this, the love I found with the man I met when I was working with you is blossoming. For me, it’s a completely new form of love, that I haven’t had before. It’s almost a grown-up kind 😅

He sees me and our relationship has helped me to be more in my feminine energy, where I can now see - looking in the rearview mirror - that for many years I’ve been operating very much from my masculine energy. Simply because I was stuck in survival mode trying to navigate my surroundings. And now with this man, new people with a genuine interest in me have entered my life, which has brought me other nourishing relationships that I remember to water and care for.

I feel like I can breathe anew again every time I wake up in the morning 🙏💕

Thank you.


Louise, 33, Denmark.


“The results were apparent almost immediately after starting to work with Mai. I’ve become aware of the choices I make and how I can successfully turn them around for the better. Ultimately, Mai’s mentoring sessions helped me restore order in my life and resulted in me reaching a long-term goal, which I thought was far out of reach. She helped me connect to my body and my heart and I’ve just become so much happier and more relaxed. Mai is so natural and skilled – I’m sure she brings out the best in all the people she works with, as she did with me. »


Contact Us.

If you have an inquiry about Mai’s healing sessions, feel free to reach out below.