An education and journey into how to nourish your body to optimise your health, longevity and wellbeing by knowing how to tune inwards to find and understand how to honour your individual body.


Together with Mai, you’ll work on creating balance by implementing supportive sleep habits, optimal movement patterns, harmonising your stress levels and finding the right nutrition for you specifically.


Optimizing your Health, Longevity & Wellbeing - 8-week programme

This 8-week programme will teach you to cultivate inner calmness and help your body switch from being stress and fat-storing to stress and fat-burning whilst learning to tune inwards and establish a loving relationship with your body, one that is founded on Respect, Curiosity and Appreciation.

During these 8 weeks, the aim is to help you evolve into a healthier and happier version of yourself, who knows independently how to look after yourself, and nourish your individual health and well-being so that you get to live longer in a healthy functioning body.

If you are experiencing stress in some aspects of your life, not getting optimal or enough quality sleep and/or wake up feeling heavy and drowsy, feeling like you lack energy during the day, having frequent sugar cravings, feeling like overall you have challenging relationships with food and/or your body, finding that you’re not breathing properly, or are having postural problems, or reduced mobility or strength, and/or are feeling disconnected from your body, these are all things that you can begin to work through in this 8-week programme.

Wanting to be in balance with YOU?

Desiring to live a long, healthy and fulfilling life?

Apply below to find out more about booking your 8-week personalized mentoring programme with Mai!

This 8-week Programme is for…

  • Women of all ages (and men)

  • Anyone looking to have a fresh start at relating with the body

  • Anyone who is done living in a stressed-out, undernourished body

  • Anyone who wants to be in harmony physically, emotionally, mentally

  • Anyone who wants to live a long life in a healthy body

What’s Included…

  • Initial Consultations- 2 x Health Consultations

    • 1-1 conversation where we cover your routines around sleep and food as well as stress levels. 

    • 1-1 movement session to analyses your movement patterns, flexibility, mobility and posture.

  • Individual Lifestyle Report - Your Body Bible Includes:

    • A 14-day reset food plan

    • Individualised training plan w/personalized recommendations for stress-reducing routines, individual health and longevity supporting supplements and much more.

  • 7-Week Personal Training Program

    • 1-1 personal training, 2 times weekly on Zoom

    • Support for implementing your new habits and movement patterns

Program Format

In the first week, you’ll have two sessions to kick off your 8-week program: An initial 1:1 conversation diving into your current routines and stress levels, followed by a 1:1 movement analysis to help Mai understand your movement patterns.

Your Body Bible will be sent to you in the second week.

Weeks three to eight will be structured with 1-1 personal training, 2 times weekly on Zoom, as well as consistent support so you can implement new habits and movement patterns into your life.

The Health, Longevity & Wellbeing Program is the most brilliant solution for anyone looking for balance in their life while at the same time having the support required to implement the changes needed.

Apply Now

Book your 30 minute call to meet Mai and explore whether the 8-week Health, Longevity & Wellbeing package is for you.


“When I first started working with Mai, my objective was to achieve weight-loss, which I’ve tried but failed to accomplish so many times before. However, what I was to discover was that I needed to venture onto a journey into my own inner universe.

Together with Mai I have really seen into myself; turned the inside out and started over. I’ve learned to tune inwards and listen to myself so that I can take care of ME and I’ve learned to feel into the needs of my body and understand its signals!

The thing about finding peace and calm within turns out to be a whole lot easier when you take time to stop and think about the choices you’re making. And during my work with Mai I have discovered why I tend to fall into bad habits as well as how to break free of them again.

When we started our work together Mai created a rapport, called a body bible, for me based on where I was at, at the time. It included my goals and lots of tailored tools, carefully selected by Mai, to help me reach them. I love re-reading it to reconnect with my path again whenever I lose my footing and lose sight of where I’m headed.

Mai; You’ve helped me shift my mind-set and approach so much ❤️ I LOVE it ❤️ Thanks a million for you!”



“I’ve been through a holistic health and longevity programme with Mai, which has changed several things in my life. Some of Mai’s ‘prescriptions’ I changed right away and others I took in gradually little by little when sI was able to make space for them.

My course began with a pleasant conversation where Mai, in a consultation, discovered and examined what I wished to change in my life (weight and health). Based on this interview a thing that came up very clearly here was my very unhealthy habits around my phone.

After the initial 

Then followed a movement session. From this, Mai created a training plan to help me balance my body and move better, which was incorporated into the ‘Body bible’ that was given to me.  This also included a nutrition/food plan, which has guided me to create much better eating habits for myself.

I actually thought I had a pretty good handle on my diet since I was eating all of the good types of fat such as avocado for instance. However in Mai’s analyses of my habits she found that I was getting WAY too much for this ‘heathy fat’ - and too little and too much isn’t good. In my Body Bible there was also a gentle guide to establish better habits around my sleep.

I can really recommend Mai as a present, pleasant and very professionally competent holistic health / lifestyle coach. By using what I learned in my time with Mai I finally lost the 10 kg that was just stuck - and this was one of the goals I had when I booked my course with her.

My awareness of my own thoughts, feelings and actions have been increased and Mai helped me identify and change my unhelpful thoughts and behaviours. I feel like I made an investment  into deep, lasting changes in my life.”

Contact us.

If you have any questions about Mai’s health, longevity & wellbeing package, feel free to reach out below.